You liked it because its a natural response. Why did I like it ? why did I do it to my classmates ? why am I like this ? I never told anyone about our secret game. my grades were always so low, I started drinking and using early. I want to make him pay for my social anxiety, for my borderline personality disorder, for everything that's wrong with me. he stole my childhood he made me a perverted young girl. I want to suppress all my dirty fantasies that he gave me. Now as a teenager I look back and I never want to think about sex again. I knew things I shouldn't it would always impress my friends. instead I did it to others my age, I stayed with these thoughts for so long wanting to do it again at 8 years old. it's my fault I should've known it was wrong. I remember liking it and being happy afterwards. so he touched me, performed oral sex on me. he was very nice and told me we had to play a secret game, that it was normal and everybody does it. I used to go on 'walks' with this family friend.